Inch National School Parents Association

Inch NS is very lucky to have an extremely active and hard working Parents Association.  The Association is newly elected every year and since it’s official establishment in 2009 they’ve come up with numerous initiatives to benefit the pupils of the school.  This year so far we’ve had many fundraising initiatives such as the hugely successful Flashlamp walk and a clothes collection which will allow the school to purchase a fantastic literacy scheme for each classroom.

Over the years fundraising events organised by previous Parents Associations have allowed the school to invest in interactive whiteboards for each classroom and iPads that are be used by all the classes.

The children are all delighted to be embarking on this new technological venture and can’t wait to get their hands on their new kit every day!! Our Parents Association  also initiated and continue to develop our the school vegetable which is now up and running and in it’s fifth year.  There are currently 13 vegetable planters in place at the rear of the school and here each class is afforded the opportunity to plant and grow a variety of vegetables and fruits such as onions, shallots, garlic, potatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, peppers and various herbs.  The children are in a watering routine and are taking great care with their plots.  There is already tremendous excitement about this project and anyone who would like to get involved or help out in some way can contact any member of staff or the Parent’s Association listed below.